Understand your surfing in a deeper way than you ever thought possible. Martin will highlight the positive and negative aspects of your performance, and provide proven surf training, drills, and videos specific to your needs.

Did you know?

Seven 2021 Olympians benefited from Martin’s video reviews as part of their surfing development.

Are you a member?

Subscribers to our online training system receive a special price of USD $95. Login to access your discount.


How it works

  1. Upload a video of your surfing to Vimeo or Youtube.
  2. Once uploaded, highlight the video link to your surf video and copy the link
  3. Fill in the form below, pasting the link into the “video link” field
  4. Submit the form to Martin by clicking the “Buy Now” button
  5. Pay for the feedback session
  6. Once your video and payment is received, Martin will review your video and schedule an online meetup to review your performance in real time
Regular price
USD $120.00
Member's only price
USD $95.00

Are you an active ESURFR.comOnline Training subscriber? Login to take advantage of subscriber pricing.

YouTube or Vimeo URL